The games
So I'm kind of a game maker, so naturally games are pretty big part of what I do. Listed below is the list of my games, from most to least recent. Maybe you could consider it kind of a museum of Digi-cat games' history, despite how brief it is. You can click on the game's images to go to their game pages.

- Kero Socket is a stylish 3D platformer shooter where you play as a goth cat girl and a robot spider on a mission to stop an evil corporation and their army of deathbots. This game is currently on hold due to lack of interest in the project, but I still hope that I'll be able to make this game someday, and hopefully make it better next time around

- Bullet Circus is an arcade style puzzle game where you have to match three bullets of the same type in a CraZy circus. I have no idea why this took like 2-3 months to make, especially due to how bitch simple the game. It definitely works better in a web browser than Blob Bunny 2 did, but I definitely should have done something more gameplay-wise. I do think the visual style turned out well, since it was heavily inspired by Adult Swim's old AcTN block. The bumps on that were really cool.

- Shooty Mouse is an arcade style shooter game based off of the Vtuber IronMouse. The game was made for the Mouse jam 2024, a game jam I joined because I'm a simp. The game is obviously based on Flappy Bird, except the bird has a gun. That gives you a good idea of how my brain works, I guess. People during the game jam seemed to like it, and I think the art looks quite nice, but I'm pretty sad that I couldn't add a difficulty curve to the game. The only reason it's not there is because I couldn't figure out how to add it, so I feel that at some point, the game becomes more about endurance than skill. But it's still definitely the best game jam game I've made so far.

- Blob Bunny 2 is a sequel to the critically acclaimed original Blob bunny. After two years of sailing across the ocean, Ronnie needs something to eat, and luckilly, there's a buhguh place on this island. This is the first game I made for the web, since I thought that asking people to download my games was a bit too much to ask. In retrospect, trying to make a full fledged 3D platformer that you play in a browser probably wasn't the best idea, which is evident with how the audio stretches and tears whenever the game lags. The game is still playable, but it does bring down the experience a lot. But hey, still better than the first one.

- Pai Niu is an arcade-style top-down shooter where you play as Lili, an angry rabbit girl that crashes a DJ party because it's become more popular than her luaus. The game was originally made for Chill jam #2: Summer edition, a game jam held over summer that I joined because I wanted a small break from working on my other games. I think the game is decently fun and has room for expansion but the optimization is horrible. An arcade shooter game probably shouldn't tank your fps, but hey, it was a game jam, and it was probably the best I could do with the time I had.

- Buzzly's adventure is a speedrunning-focused 3D platformer about a tiny litle bee on a quest to rescue his colony's queen from the wasps. This was my big passion project before Kero socket. It has some merit but it lacks a lot of polish and there isn't much reason to replay it other than for shorter times. Also the save system is kinda broken.

- Ghost Rabbit is a horror-style 3D platformer where you play as an undead rabbit man, risen from the grave and on his way to find his widow. This was my first attempt at trying to create a large-scale game project, which is probably why it didn't work out. The whole project was just kind of a disaster. I wanted to make a horror project at a point when I wasn't really that into horror, the gameplay is bland, the optimization is dreadful, and I also wanted to do like an episodic release thing? I'm still glad I made the attempt though, it was a good learning experience

- Swamp Hop is a 3D platformer where you play as a frog on a mission to save their swamp from mosquitoes that poisoned the water. This was the first game I made for a game jam: the Mini jam 106. The tounge mechanic is somewhat unique but the way the theme was implemented was pretty uncreative. Also I'm pretty sure all the animals of the swamp will be dead by the time you "save" it.

- Hordebots is a top-down arcade-style puzzle game where destructive robots are trying to destroy your robots, so you have to destroy the enemy bots with the corresponding robot. The game has decent addictiveness to it, although it definitely needs a high score system added to it. Also more maps would be cool.

- Shroomin Dungeon is a 3D platformer where you play as a moss knight and a mushroom queen who must escape from imprisonment and save their shroomin people. This game really isn't good. The launching mechanic is inconsistent, there's only like four levels, and there isn't really an ending. Also the story makes no sense, like how would people imprison the ruler of their own kingdom? Although this game is the start of that Hizzah! joke, so that's pretty cool.

- Blob Bunny is a rage 3D platformer about a gelatinous rabbit that snuck onto a boat and is on a pointless quest for gems. This game is intentionally made to frustrate you, so some of the elements of the game can be argued as a part of the game's vibe, though that doesn't excuse stuff like the fact that there's only three levels. They aren't even that long. I think the hub world song is actually pretty decent though.